So I’ve been searching the forum and documentation, but couldn’t find the solution yet. I’ve tested out the texture SOP, and changing the UV angles on the torus SOP but it didn’t seem to work.
What I want is to remove the obvious seams in my texture map on the geometry, as seen in the image here:
Example here:
TD forum texture seam issue.4.toe (9.0 KB)
In this example I’ve used a different texture, the PBR setup is used for the actual texture. But the same issue is at hand here. There is hard line going from the center to the right, and as I’m animating the angle offset of the torus, there is a circle seam that appears every cycle.
Is there an easy fix for this? I couldn’t find any good tutorial on the mapping of a texture, regarding seams.
Maybe a way of changing the direction of the geometry, so that the seams are hidden in the animation?