We have RGBA values from a TOP, converted to CHOP, and we have selected only the alpha channel. We need the alpha channel, which is changing from 0 to 8, to be expressed as a changing number rather than a channel. Every time we use the TOPtoCHOP / alpha channel as an input or a reference for another CHOP (such as a constant) the number never moves from zero.
The intended end purpose is to convert the 0 – 8 value of the alpha channel to a 0 – 1 value that can be used to pick a value from a ramp TOP. The network is using the changing number as the first input to a lookup CHOP, and the ramp as the second input. Then using a CHOPtoTOP from the lookup to get the changing colour sample. We’ve tried using a slider COMP instead of the alpha channel as the first input to the lookup, which has worked for sampling the ramp colour. We just can’t figure out how to use the alpha channel rather than the slider.