How to get points connected to a point?

Hi all, can’t seem to figure this one out: I grab a point from a SOP, and I want to get all the adjacent points (meaning any point that is directly connected to that point with a line) e.g. selecting one of 8 points on a cube would yield 3 adjacent points.

Any ideas? I thought using the prims class in python would be the key, but still haven’t nailed it.


Use a Group SOP (set Entity: Points) to select the main points you want.
Under the Edges tab, turn on Use Edges and set Edge Depth to 1.

Thanks, Rob! Exactly what I needed :slight_smile:

Hi, should you need some new perspective on the topic I created a patch that connects points between two circumferences. You can find it on my GitHub: TouchDesigner/Circle_Generation_Connecting_Lines.toe at main · GianmariaV/TouchDesigner · GitHub