I’m looking to use touchdesigner for a simple installation, where I have a 5 light fixtures suspending to the ceiling, each pointing towards one of 5 small tables. My intention is to have each light fixture track its table as the table is moved around the space
- I assume a DMX Moving head would be the best/easiest light fixture for this. Are there any alternatives? (That are maybe a little less bulky?)
- What are the technologies that could be used for this? I read that RFID could be an option - adding an RFID tag to each table then calculating its position?
- If using RFID - how would i track each tag and synchronise it each light tracks its own table?
- Are there any alternative technologies to use instead of RFID?
- How smooth and fast would the object tracking be?
Any comments, thoughts or experience at all on this topic would be appreciated! Thank you!