How to make petals that revolves around central point using TOPs?

So as the title suggests, need this top shown below to revolve around central point at a given iteration to make up something that’s like a flower with petals, or like a fan with blades, preferably a method using TOPs for performance reasons.

I currently haven’t seen a way to do this so It’d be really appreciated to see some advice about this.

Current top

Expected resulting top with ride lines to indicate where the same white triangle should be cloned to:
(I used an image editor to add the red lines for reference)

Hi there,

You can do this with a rampTOP set to type ‘radial’. Then when decreasing the period, you get multiple angular ramps from 0 to 1. Then you can use a threshold to create the petals and a circleTOP set to multiply to make the circle:

Hope this helps.

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Oh wow, never thought about using threshold that way!

Excellent process Tim, very much appreciated.

Many thanks,

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