How to make point cloud?

i want to make Live-point cloud effect
so i use kinect azure and ue4 2.6 ver
but ue4 doesn’t support azure yet.
so i want to make point cloud data and send to ue4
can i send to kinect image to static mesh for ue4?

You can make a texture with point cloud but you need at minimum 16 bits/color, better 32 bits. Unfortunately Syphon or Spout are not able to do this. There is a pack Top operator able to send 16 bits on 8 bits texture but there is no unpack function in Unreal (to my knowledge, I know TD/Unity interactions not TD/Unreal).
The best texture support is with EXR but its not real time.
The best way is to find a way to use directly kinect azure in UE! Or make your project in TD and use Spout to receive images from UE.