@drmbt - yeah - a missing feature from February 2008…
I think this was 3 projectors but possibly 1024x768 - nowadays you could do it on a 4k screen and a screengrab
was that the fabled networkCOMP? I’d be really curious to hear more about what you were doing on this one, is there a case study, interviews, or any other documentation anywhere? This piece is one of my early influences that got me into real time data viz, and ultimately brought me to TouchDesigner, I’d love to know a bit more about the process
I mean you could go full inception and recreate the node layout with geo instancing using indexed textures of LOTs of opview TOPs for different nodes, and some fancy sop calculations to re-create the connection lines between them - but yeah a “Network COMP” would be interesting (and potentially dangerous) to play with. What happens if you embed network COMPs inside eachother to create a recursive loop…
I’ve been attempting to achieve something similar :). I’ve been using the Screen Grab Top and putting it into a separate viewer and putting that directly onto a different monitor/ projector. as when I use the screen grab top directly I get the like infinite network feedback loop haha. but I was wondering what you did in the end ? / what you think is the most optimal way to go around it?