Hi. Im new to TD and I’m learning like a turtle the DAT part of it.
I have a folder with 200 videos separated in 6 subfolder.
All videos, HAP, same resolution (1080p) and framerate (30fps).
I’m trying to do a loading system to create a table with infos of the video so I can use it later in a interactive system that will behave as a video switcher.
Focusing on this “loading system” I did this:
Im having hard time into listing the data from mediafileinfo into a table.
Can someone help with that or tell me where I can find a solution?
I would really appreciate.
Where is the data in the mediafileinfo table coming from? How is it formatted?
Hi. thanks for replying.
Its coming from a moviefilein that reads the file path from a select that comes from a videofolder.
I used a LFO to change the select operator and to pulse the mediafileinfo so it runs through all the files from the videofolder.
I can see in the table the data from the selected path, but I was not able to paste each iteration of the loop into a new line of the table.
Sorry if this is a dumb question but how do you fill the mediafileinfo table?
Its an operator, you just indicate the moviefilein that your video is playing. Is like infoCHOP, but the data comes in this table.