how to reduce noise in an image

I am trying to work out a way to denoise a video image. I had thought to build a highpass filter and subtract the results from the noisy image. I thought I could make a highpass filter with a convolve, but I think I may not know what I am talking about… I am thinking a FFT might be involved, maybe there is a way in GLSL
Grateful for any insights

*edit - I just learned myself all bout the Median FIlter, I am going to try this one: … median.pix

There is actually a denoiser sample that comes with the CUDA SDK, using some pretty complicated algorithms. I ported the code to work as a CUDA .dll in Touch a long time ago.

It’s possible this code no longer works (havn’t tested it in over a year) but it may be a good starting point. (319 KB)

Awesome. Thanks Malcolm, I’ll report back with results


Did you ever figure this out?
Were you able to get the dll to compile?


If anyone got this to compile I am very interested :slight_smile: