Hello! Maybe a silly question but I don’t have a 3D graphic background.
Often after modifying a geometry (i.e. deleting), the mesh does not rotate on its axis anymore, because far from the center.
Normally I check the bounds of my SOP to keep it in the middle, but I lose any references when the bounds become integers different for each axis.
Are there any tricks to deal with that?
If you press ‘h’ the viewer homes to center the geometry in the viewer pane.
Does that help?
Thank you for your reply!
Unfortunately it’s not what I meant!
I attached an example file.
My question is: what should I do to make the ‘bee out of axis’ rotating like the other one?
Which is the kind of approach I should use when facing these situations?
example.toe (150 KB)
Hi there,
Best is to keep the SOP’s at the origin (0,0,0) and move & rotate the object in the geometry COMP. When an (SOP) object is rendered, it uses the origin of the SOP as pivot point and then applies the geometry transformations. So if you move it away from the center, the rotation will also be different.
If you connect your second bee to the top geo and then use the transform parameters (tx,ty,tz) to move it around, the pivot point will stay in the center of the bee…
Hope this helps.
Thank you timgerritsen! this is already an handy information.
However these situations happened to me already a couple of times after deleting part of the geometry (for example deleting part of the body from a mesh and keeping just an arm).
For deleting, I have to work with SOPs and consequently I lose the pivot point in the centre.
Are there methods to bring an object on its central pivot point?
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