How to rotate a pre-made 3d object using hand movements through a Kinect?

Hello. I’m an absolute beginner at TouchDesigner. I have an upcoming school project and I have to make a simple interactive show using hand movements tracked by the Xbox 360 Kinect to rotate a 3d object I made in blender, I have no idea where and how to start.
I would really appreciate immediate response…

drag and drop you obj in TD connect to transform sop and connect to geometry
add camera light and render top
from you kinect chop to Chop reffersnes to your transform parametrs

Thank you! But can you be more detailed? Or like a step by step thing

Hi @verystranger,

for getting started with TouchDesigner I would recommend very much looking at our Curriculum at

In short videos this will take you through the basic concepts of working with TouchDesigner.

After I would setup the render system as @ShahenMan mentions. Instructions for this can also be found in the curriculum.
Transforming the Geometry is theoretically really simple via the parameters on the FBX COMP itself but you will have to work out the logic on how you want to use the channels coming from the kinect.
Btw - might be easier to use Mediapipe for this together with a webcam - also great when developing and not wanting to deal with the hardware setup. @tblankensmith 's Mediapipe component for TouchDesigner can be downloaded from here:
