Hello there,
Hope you are all doing alright. I wanted to ask here just in case anyone knows how to do this, even if it’s with a different software instead of TouchDesigner.
I need to get the measures of body parts for an interactive installation quite accurately and compare them to other measurements and proportions after that, and I would like to know if anybody has any idea on this.
I was thinking about using a camera that could take pictures remotely and send them through a OpenCV library or something like that. But as you can see, I am not sure at all, nor the hardware or the software.
Could you please help me or tell me your opinion, please?
Thank you, cheers!
Afaik, the kinect is outputting everything in meters, so this should be pretty simple.
Using a simple 2D Camera will be pretty rough as you are missing the information about the distance from the user to the camera, which you will need to be able to determine the actual hight. Also, you will need a projectionMatrix from the camera meaning you need a calibration-process (The kinects have depth-info and the calibration already done.)
The new OakD might also be able to handle this btw as there are some models with dual calibrated cameras.
Hello! First of all, thank you very much for sharing your insights and recommendations, are really valuable to me.
I wanted to ask you how precise it would be the Kinect on measuring body, arms and legs length, etc. and if you know how could that be done. I can use Azure Kinect, even a couple of them, but I am not sure at all about how to get measurements from them. I always used it simply for TouchDesigner interaction, not for getting info like measure in cm.
About using a simple 2D camera, the good thing is that I can pick a specific place in the installation to tell people to stand there for the scan, by having some kind of sticker or vynil on the floor with “Stand here to get scanned”. This way I would know the distance to the camera, and it will always be the same. However, don’t know how to measure the proportions of the body using a camera. I guess that something with OpenCV or similar…
And about Oak D, never heard of it! I’ve checked that on the internet and it looks really nice. Could that one be helpful for measuring? I guess that with the Pose Stimation, it could also calculate the distance between differents points of the skeleton and get approximated measures. But I am not sure at all of how to build that.
Thank you very, very much. As I said, your help is really, really valuable to me.