How to sequence effects

Hi all and apologies if this question was asked before—didn’t find any relevant topic in the forum.

I was wondering whether TD has some kind of system to modify the properties of the nodes at defined points in time. Let’s say, as an example, that I have a project running for an hour and I want that, at 20’ a cube doubles its size (maybe with a linear ramp), at 30’ an image fades to black, and at 45’ a noise changes the seed etc… any possible change you can imagine.

In other words, my question is whether TD has the possibility to use a timeline like the ones you find in any audio workstation to automatise some changes over time. I can guess it could come in handy in both offline projects and performances alike.

Thanks to anybody who can enlighten me on that!

There is different ways to do that:
– Animation Comp
– Timer Chop associated with DAT
– external timeline as Chataigne or Vezer
And some more…

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Thanks a lot Jacques, I’ll take a look at these