How to transform individual letters of Text SOP

Hi, how would I go about separating the individual geometries that a Text SOP outputs? I essentially need to un-merge and separate each individual group of polys into either groups or some other form. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

No easy way right now. The 2019.30000 series will have new glyphIndex primitive attributes though which allow you to know which primitives belong to which glyph

Hey @malcolm, did this feature ever get released? I couldn’t find any other references to glyphIndex on the interwebs. Thanks!

If I hook a Text SOP up to a Attribute SOP I do see glyphIndex listed in the primitive tab. Not sure how to use it from there though. Trying to see if I can access it in the Group SOP.

For anyone wondering, it was released and an example of using glyphIndex was posted in this thread over here: Setting a primitive group dynamically