I’m writing code to allow a script to set a menu value (the why is a long story) or a value in a field, but my problem is with setting menu values.
For example, the tileview menu has three options:
Network Viewer
Operator Viewer
I can’t really set it like:
opparm myoperator tileview (“Network Viewer”)
which would be a sensible thing to do (look at the menu and immediately see what you can set it to).
It works if I set 0,1 or 2, but that’s no good because some menus (ie. camera inputs) change depending on circumstances, and some change because Derivative changes them.
so my only choice is to do a convoluted script to redirect the output of oppardetails to a table, parse the table, figure out what choice “Network Viewer” is, and then have the script set it.
Since I want to do this to a table where there may be several menus entries, and these may change, I thought there has to be a better way, a way to do it without a script, just with some Evaluate DATs, so that I can basically convert “Network Viewer” to the appropriate value to export to the menu?