I have an animation sequence, it is about 500 tif files, all numbered sequentially. When I add a moviefilein top, it only lets me load 0000.tif how do I get it to animate or load more than one frame?
You can drive the playback with a timecodeCHOP.
- Set “File” parameter to the address of the folder containing the image sequence
- Set “Play Mode” to Timecode Object/CHOP/DAT
- Set “Timecode Object/CHOP/DAT” field to a reference to the .timecode member of your timecodeCHOP operator with the following expression “op(‘timecode1’).timecode”
Here is an example:
timecode_driven_playback.tox (1.0 KB)
When in doubt, don’t feel hesitated to check out the documentation, and code snippets in the Help tab
Thanks! I did check the help, but td is quite complex at times and has a bunch of different ways to achieve the same thing. I searched for image sequence in the help and only found reference to it in the moviefilein top.
Thank you for the example file, I will check it out.
Turns out it was even easier than that, I just paste the folder where the images are into the moviefilein top and it worked.