How to use two expressions in one value

Sorry not sure if I’m using the correct language here but I’m trying to input two expressions in one value inside an operator. So I’m trying to use a keyboardin in a circle and have the value in centerx move from 0 to -1 using one key and also have it move from 0 to +1 using a different key, k1 and k2 for example. When I try to add more than one expression (or input? please correct my language) in the centerx it just deletes the previous one. Any clues?

Thank u so much

Something like this?
bool(k0) * -1 + bool(k1)

gave me the red error in the value

Hi @eglerib,

can you share the expression you are trying to enter into the parameter?
@Ivan’s expression slightly adjusted for using channels from a chop works:

(op('null2')['k1'] * -1 + op('null2')['k2']) * 0.2


hi snaut, sorry for the late reply, that works!! thanks