Hue value in Ramp TOP not retained when Saturation is 0

I think this bug is back…

When Saturation is zero, the hue values jump to the first ramp node in a network when you have multiple ramp nodes.

Hi @tallscott7,

thanks for reporting this, can reproduce. Wondering though if the HSV is saved with the Ramp at all or if it’s only the RGB - hence with Saturation=0 the Hue value is basically undefined.


PS: I’ll split this off into a new bug.

Hi @tallscott7,

As assumed, the hsv values are not actually saved with the TOP, only the RGB values contained in the linked DAT - hence the hue value for Saturation = 0 is not properly defined. Not high priority, but we‘ll look at making the hue display at least more consitent