I’d like to put a GLSL Multi TOP in a custom base, but how can I wire multiple TOPs to it? Maybe one solution would be to have a second kind of In op that takes a variable number of inputs–a lot like the Merge and Switch ops.
Thanks David.
Definitely an interesting suggestion highlighting a current limitation in our in/out Operators.
with custom parameters Comps can become little independant tools you collect in your library, this would be a nice addition to be able to package it all into one Comp, ready to be dropped in a network or to share with others.
For COMPs you could have a Replicator that creates In/Out OPs. I’m not sure how that would work when loading if it’s coming from an external tox file or a clone of something. It might end up with the COMP Inputs/Outputs getting disconnected.
How would you define the # of inputs to the GLSL? Whatever the number is, make a table with that number of rows plus 1 for the heading. As tetkin says, feed that to a Replicator, where the master is an In TOP.
The callback in Replicator can wire each In TOP to the correct GLSL TOP input.
it was more in reference to nettoyeur’s comment about COMPs. it wouldn’t work for the GLSL/Multi TOP