In the particleGPU are no particles shown

Hey everybody,
I did the Tutorial “Audioreactive Paricle Cloud - Elekktronaut” on YouTube and also the Tutorial “TouchDesigner paricleGPU 2022 Update” and one more that was made since the Update. So I managed to connect the Sops p.GPU. But in my case in the particleGPU there are no particles shown and just this cube for the sphere limitation that I can turn on and off. What can I make that I see the particles?
(For example in the Tutorial about the Update, there are already the white paricles floating from top to bottom)


There’s been a few minor updates since the initial 2022 launch, so perhaps there’s been some changes since then. Unfortunately I’ve not messed with particles GPU since then, but you might roll back to an earlier version of TD and see if that changed anything.

Hi @ele_frei,

wih some recent updates you should be seeing leaves falling again by default when dropping the component into your network. Is this view empty for you as well? If so, could you clarify what build of TouchDesigner you are using and what your machine’s spec is?


Hi Markus,
Jap, it’s empty. I’m using Touchdesigner099 64-Bit Build 2022.28040 and working with a Mac Book Pro (macOS Big Sur, Version 11.6.6).

Hello @ele_frei,

Could you also tell me the exact model and year of your mac book pro?


Yes sure, sorry. It’s a MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Mid 2014). I brought it 2021with an updated software.

did you find a solution ?

any update on this?

Hi @putiwrdhn,

can you mention your hardware and TouchDesigner build you are using when experiencing this issue?


sure it’s a Macbook Pro 16 inch 2019 - TouchDesigner Build 2023.11600