RESOLVED: "Increment Filename on Save" still increments when off

not sure if this is intended: with this preference turned off, TD increments the file name on opening, and then hitting ctrl-S automatically saves a new copy with the incremented name, leaving the original older file unmodified. (As opposed to both incrementing and modifying the original, when switched on) Is it possible to just save and modify everything to one file, or is that what turning it off is meant to do? Using version 2020.24520 on Windows 10.

The only thing I haven’t checked is if it behaves differently with files created after changing this preference, if that makes a difference…

I do not see this behavior when testing. Are you clicking “Save” on the preferences dialog after making your change in settings?

I get just NewProject.toe and NewProject.1.1toe, I can save as much as I like.

If you only want the one file created, also turn off the preference below called “Create Link Filename on Save”.

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Yeah, made sure to save settings.

Maybe “link filename” was the problem, but it seems to work differently on files created before or after turning off the setting. For newer files it’s fine now, but for files that already have a number, clicking either “filename.toe” or “filename.#.toe” opens the same patch, but displays the filename with the number. If I delete the numbered one and open the other one, it creates a new numbered one on opening/saving, even with the preference turned off. If I open a newer, non-numbered file created after changing preferences, it doesn’t change the name. I guess the setting is part of the file somehow?

The one way I found to get out of the loop was: change preferences, delete the numbered file, re-open the non-numbered file, and “save as” over the non-numbered file.

Ah yes, that’s right. When “Create Link” is on the linked filename is saved into the non-numbered file, that is by design so you know which file you are opening.

So you need to change the setting and then “Save As…” to resave that a non-numbered name to clear it out. Or if you start a new project and Save As for the first time you will not experience this if your settings are as such.