indeo codec not recognized

i am new to touch and i am having a little problem here
all my video clips, that i´ve been producing for some years now, are in avi with indeo codec, keyframe each frame, for me the best way for making video scratching, not such a good quality but very fast reading decoding format.
my problem is that i cant get the “movie in” to play them (just black), any other avis with any other codecs have no problem.
i´ve been searching and the first thing i found in the wiki was “For .wmv, .avi and some other formats, you will need libavcodec to be enabled through your preferences.” but i couldnt find this libavcodec in the preferences.
i would appreciate if somebody can help me, thought transcoding such an amount of clips is something i would like to avoid doing
i am running FTE 077 build 538

Hey, libavcodec isn’t yet in the preferences, it will be but we arn’t yet ready for people to use it. By default we use Quicktime to decode video files, so we can only decode what quicktime does. libavcodec is a new video deciding library we are working on bringing into Touch.

If you want to email me a short clip ( I’ll double check for you if libavcodec can decode it ok so you’ll know what to expect.
