individual particle instances

Hi there, hope you’re well. :slight_smile:
I am trying to do an individual particle instancing, something like particle ID but not sure how to do it.
I want to make a matrix text effect but finding it a bit hard to have all the type to be different from one other. I have a switch working and that changes the letters over time and it’s emitting over a grid so I got that a bit covered as well as i could but I would now like to make each letter different from one other. How could this be done? Attached the file for your interest

Many thanks

I have made something similar for a performance with childrens, with first names falling from ceiling (begining of the video):
Your proposition is not efficient fps is 18 on my machine), because you change each time the letter.
What I use is texture 3D, I run a little script making a texture with one layer for each letter and after I use pattern in the w line of instance texture to distribute the letters. With that I can affect particle position to instance and I can play with letters with fps staying at 60 with 3D apping on 4 beamers, UI etc…
The text was imported in real time from a list (so I can change the list for each class) and I used replicator to make one clone for each name.
Its difficult to show all the project, quite complicate, but I show you the prototype of one name.
letters.tox (12.5 KB)

Hi Jaques,

Thank you so so much. It looks like the exact thing I’m looking for but for life of me I can’t get it to work. Maybe some parameters are missing as the letter M just stays still and the particle doesn’t emit. :frowning:

I’ve got as far as using a texture 3D in my comp but couldn’t get it to work right so would love to be able to see this working…

Thank you so so much for the input.

Many thanks

this is as close as I got but the texture 3D still doesn’t seem to make the randomised changes i want… :frowning: I am also having some difficulty getting the particle system but I’ll post that in a separate forum…

Sorry, it was to got an idea… the tox I posted is part of a bigger project with many dependancies…
You can obtain the 3D texture “running” the “text3” dat and you can start the particles using the pulse in particle.
Considering the randomisation, I would merge a randomized channel in the instance chop to command the w of texture in the geometry.
In my example I use a pattern to ramp the w value because I want the name to be legible but with random you can obtain your randomisation.
Unfortunately I am preparing a show, so no time to make an autonomous tex. I will try to take time tonight.

Hi Jaques, I did it. thank you very much. :slight_smile: