Beginner here, running TD on Mac
Looking for a motion sensor/body tracking device that works on Mac, and should work well for capturing crowd of people/
any ideas?
Beginner here, running TD on Mac
Looking for a motion sensor/body tracking device that works on Mac, and should work well for capturing crowd of people/
any ideas?
Chat gpt gave me this solution. has anyone tried it?
For Kinect v2 (Xbox One):
Kinect v2 requires more setup, and macOS doesn’t natively support it. You can use the libfreenect2 library, which is an open-source project to get Kinect v2 working.
Install libfreenect2 (available on GitHub).
Use software like Processing or TouchDesigner (if you install additional plugins for Kinect).
You’ll also need an adapter for Kinect v2 to connect to your Mac via USB.
Hey @Superyao,
check out @tblankensmith’s Mediapipe component. Might have everything you need.