INPUT AUX - The Waveform Generation - Visuals by - 2022-11-12 23:15

INPUT AUX - The Waveform Generation - Visuals by

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Video shows as unavailable - private. Maybe check link?

@theRob yeah its private for me as well.

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@ben and @gordharris, thanks! I fixed it to public and @Derivative thanks for sharing! I’m taking Stanislav’s Hou2Touch course as well studying Houdini with the Entagma tutorials along with my continued exploration of TouchDesigner with the HQ Pro resources working towards exploring more about projection mapping and 3D printing as well as virtual production and performance interfaces. The training looks into other programs like Unreal, Twinmotion, Blender and perhaps NVidia’s Omniverse so I might look into packaging a game in Unreal over the next year or two, we shall see, so more to be shared on and here :). I hope all is well with everyone at Derivative.