” Instance texturing is not supported on this operating system”とエラーが表示されました。


I want to tell you, when I put constant1 into Instance Textures of Geometry COMP, the error “Instance texturing is not supported on this operating system” was displayed.

What could be the cause in this case?

スクリーンショット 2020-04-20 0.16.28

this is a Mac OS specific エラーです :skull_and_crossbones:
you are most likely opening a file someone created on Windows on your Mac

check “Instance 2” page on the Geometry COMP parameter window and you can find “Instance Textures” parameter on the bottomo section. you can disable the error by deleting the parameter

see - Geometry COMP in " Limitations and Known Issues" section for more info

I didn’t know that …
Thank you for telling me!

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