Instancing FBX meshes

Hi TD’ers!

I have an FBX with a lot of different sized box GEO’s inside.
I would love to manipulate these as instances, which would be easy if the children had the same size, but unfortunately nopes.

I might be able to do this if could get the local size of each mesh, but so far i can only get their parent Geo sizes which is default 1, 1.

Help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks! :slight_smile:

If your goal is to get the size of a SOP mesh, you can get that using the size member of the SOPClass:

Also the GeometryCOMPClass has the method computebounds() to calculate the bounding box of the child geometry of that component.

Thank you Nettoyeur!

The FileinSOP class is what i missed, but i’m still having a problem getting all the mesh sizes.
I would think it would be something like this, but obviously the syntax is wrong.

num = op(‘fbx’).numChildren
for i in range (num):
sx = op(‘fbx/a_’+str(i+1)/mesh).size.x

The mesh path is “/project1/fbx/a_636/mesh” where their parent geos are named “a_1” with incremental naming.

Thanks again!

Found the solution if anybody wants to instance an imported FBX with lots of different sized box meshes.
I wrote this script to get all the sop values into a table. Then i transformed the table to chop values and for manipulation I added a Chop to Top with noises which finally is used for the instancing data.
Running 60fps, HD, 32x aliasing, 810 meshes on a 3090.


#Clearing the target table

#Reference the top-level container containing Geometry COMPs
topLevelContainer = op('yourFBX')

#Get all Geometry COMPs inside the top-level container
geoCompList = topLevelContainer.findChildren(type=COMP)

#Iterate through Geometry COMPs
for geoComp in geoCompList:
    print(f"Geometry Component: {}")

    #Retrieve the tx and ty parameters of the Geometry COMP
    tx = geoComp.par.tx.eval()
    ty = geoComp.par.ty.eval()

    print(f"  tx: {tx}, ty: {ty}")

    # Iterate through importselectSOPs inside the Geometry COMP
    for importSOP in geoComp.findChildren(type=importselectSOP):
        # Use the size attribute of importselectSOP
        sopSizeX = importSOP.size.x
        sopSizeY = importSOP.size.y
        sopSizeZ = importSOP.size.z
        print(f"  Import Select SOP Size for {}: X={sopSizeX}, Y={sopSizeY}, Z={sopSizeZ}")
        #print position and size values of all importsSelects to target table.
    #Run this script and use a "Dat to" chop for the table. Now you can use this chop as channel data as instancing data in a GEO comp.