Instancing Issue

InfiniteTunnel_straight_Derivative.toe (244.1 KB)
I m working on a project and I’m kind of stuck as I have 2 issues that I don’t know how to solve:

  • I generate a pattern of black and white squares and circles (teal bases) but in the geo/render I have some artifacts ( UV or noise color) and I don’t know
    where it comes from and I don’t have any error flag
  • I want the texture to be animated but the only way I found is to reset the pulse of the text3d however the speed is not sufficient, I tried to speed up the number of pulses per second to match the frame rate but if I go higher it just stops working… is there a way to have smoothly animated texture3D?

Also, I have had quite a lot of crashes recently since I combined everything in this project, my hardware is pretty good (i7, 32g Ram, 3070Ti 8g), is there a way a tool to find what is the cause of the crashes? The only info I get is that Vulkan crashed… which doesn’t help much

Is anyone have an idea to solve this issue?