I have a system that instances shapes of various colours, at various positions within the scrren. It is running via SOPs. I want to now experiment with some interesting TOP feedback, so I am wondering what the best solution is for this? 1. Transform my SOP into a TOP at the end of the pipeline then apply feedback? 2. Find a way to instance my TOP shape in a manner that I have done with SOP and the Geometry node, and keep it all in TOP?
To be honest, all the TOP set up is, is a primitive shape (rec, circle,) that acts as a field that I apply noise, colour… and ultimately feedback. The difficulty is applying instances to TOPs or applying feedback after SOPs, i’m stuck like a beginner somewhere in the middle!
A current SOP set up, is TOP type feedback possible ?
Current translates within the Geometry node, how to do something similar, instancing new shapes in different positions via math chop, but also keep it only in TOP?