interactive geo pivot point

I’m wondering if there is a way to view the pivot point in the geo viewer. I can see the results of moving the pivot, but I’ve no idea where it is until after I rotate around it . It doesnt seem to be displaying in viewer options (origin ?)

I’m still wondering about this. I have a head model which pivots from the very center of the skull (as this was how it was constructed). But I want to pivot from down below the head, inside the neck area. I’m tempted to just go back to C4D and put the pivot where it is supposed to be, but I’m still flummoxed as to the best approach when this is not possible…
I could move the pivot in TD with a hunt/peck method and get a feel for where it is … but isnt there a way to just display the pivot point ? Seems like it would be helpful to just see where the pivot point is, right ?

Here is an attached example . I just want the blue head to rotate around the pivot point of the red box. If I parent the head to the box, then it takes on the transforms of the box and goes flying off somewhere where I cant see it .
I dont want it to take on the transforms of the parent . So logically (to my mind) I adjust the pre-transforms of the box, thinking that might have something to do with it - no- still the transforms of the box affect the child…
What’s the deal here? I have never really understood the pre-transform section- I would intuitively assume it would allow me to make transforms BEFORE the main transforms.
Ive been using this program for several yrs and still stymied by this basic thing.
Just show me:

  1. adjust the size/pos of the red box scale to suit (its pretty close now)
    2)attach the blue head obj to the red box as a child without the red box’s transforms sending it off camera.
    Seems like I cant add a visible pivot object (like my red box) unless I do it first- before any transforms on my blue head ?
    Pivot Tstt.1.toe (5.78 KB)

Wouldnt it make more logical sense that the pre-transforms dont affect the child somehow?
Or maybe the act of ‘parenting’ geo comps together should parent them in ‘current state’ rather than with the additional 'coordinates history ’ of the pretransform?

ugh. I dont know how to explain this dilemma. Seems to me that if I am applying 250x uniform scale in my pretransform -then when I attach a child it should not scale 250x, but rather scale what the standard ‘transform’ page sees?

Ya, OK. A year later (actually three) and I’m faced with the same dilemma.Using ‘lookat’ I want the eye to follow the cross. Pre xform behaves nothing like I think its going to. I can’t get the iris of the pupil to be on the opposite side of my eyeball (camera side). Tried all sorts of combos of rotates and pre-rotates, and transform orders. I’ve tried different axe for my SOP. I officially am ‘flummoxed’ and dont get it.
eye.60.toe (5.89 KB)

Huh, either I’ve forgotten how to post a .toe, or there is a bug. My project is empty when i download it . Same with any other .toe or .tox I download. Sorry if its something obvious, but it’s been a while.
I get 'no such file or directory ’ and opens a default project

Does anybody read ‘beginners’ ? Or should I move on to ‘general’ I only put this here because I thought it was apropos.

build 56020 64 bit

Hi cod65,

I think a part of what has you stuck here is the texturing of your SOP. Using a texture SOP we can more accurately predict how our texture gets applied to our geometry. Here I’m just using the out of the box look at parameter.

Hope this helps.

moving_eye.tox (768 KB)

ya , thanks for that. I was directed towards the transform TOP, which worked as well ,but probably ‘best practice’ to do what you suggest. All Good!.