Interactive Museum Kiosk with DMX lighting control question

Hello! I’m trying to make a museum kiosk where you press a button on a touch screen then it plays a video and brings up a light on something relating to the video and returns to the main screen while also turning off the light.

Success in making a UI from a tutorial I found (main screen - button press brings up a page that’s in a container, and success using an Enttec dmx usb pro to control an rgbw par fixture. Having issues getting the button to change the value of the dmx fixture. Thinking its a chop switch or override but any ideas on how to do this? Started working with touch a week ago so still very new but familiar with lighting. Can’t post the file because of nda reasons unfortunately, but do have the method of lighting control.

Any help or ideas would be valuable. Thanks all!

I made this tutoril w hile ago which should put you on a good path. Also check out the videos about the presetsystem.

Taking an NDA-Job without any knowledge is a tough one, wish you best of luck.