Interactive Realsense Camerra


I am a beginner with touch designer. One of the things I can’t do yet is interacting with a camera.
For example, with the Watercolor tutorial (Watercolors – TouchDesigner Tutorial 23 - YouTube) I want to use the camera instead of a mouse.

I don’t have Kinect Azure, but I do have a Realsense D435 camera.
Maybe with OpenCV in a script That determines the X,Y,Z positions of the hands and then use the Z position to trigger the fillalpha of Circle1 from the tutorial and have the X,Y hand position determine the centerX and centerY of circle1?

A good example of what I want to realize, is the video in Touch Reactive Ripple Installation - YouTube (“Reactive ripple installation”). Are there any tutorials on how to realize this, with a Realsense D435 camera or with a webcam?

Regards, Pieter