Is it possible to create a full length changing clip in TD?

Hi! I’m very new to TouchDesigner and to Clip editing in general
I’m a music producer (hobbyist) and wanted to create short 2-4 minutes visuals using my music but I’m trying to understand how can I create an evolving movie
like this one for example: Sound Viz 05 on Vimeo
Is it different scenes merged together with an external 3rd party software or a clip made within TD and automation lines for parameters?
I am using Ableton live too so would probably at a point want to connect between the two
thanks for any answer <3

The best would be to ask to the author. But as I see and as I do, its more a real time creation of particules and lines moved and changed by parameters coming from sound qualities (bpm, frequencies etc.) and the artist “bon vouloir“. Inside TD you can export a movie containing image and sound.
TD is a 3D software (a “derivative“ from Houdini) and you can produce 3D object inside it. The only difference with other 3D software is real-time, so you cannot obtain the same perfection concerning lights, shadows and materials (for 3D rendering one image can take 1 hour to render…).
There is a very powerful link between Ableton Live and TD, named TDA, able to connect everything you need in both way, needs some learning.

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thank you so much
that’s very helpful
I would guess that in this examples there is more then one audio input and two different flows inside a project to create these affects :slight_smile:

Not necessarily, because you can make some sound analysis directly in TD and different parameters can have diverse effect on the same process. I think some visuals here are made with particles and playing with particles positions and state and adding some post-processing real-time effect, as feedback, blur etc., you can make something interesting. The best is to look at tutorials.

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