Is it possible to interpolate between the first image of an image sequence and the last?

Hello. I was wondering if it’s possible to interpolate between the first image of an image sequence and the last. The idea is to use a switch to play the sequence and reverse in an any point in time. Thanks for your help.

Hi there,

You can simply add the first image also as the last the input and loop your index.
See example. Hope this helps


CrossFadeLoop.tox (822 Bytes)

Hi Tim.

Thank you so much for the file. I just began learning Touchdesigner so apologies if the questions are silly. I was wondering if this allows me to play the movie is any order I can. What I want for this is to be able to move forward or backward in the sequence on command. Thank you for your time.


Hi Pradyumna,

No apologies needed, questions are never silly :smiley:
If I understand you correctly you want to loop through a couple of videos and at any moment be able to play them backwards following the reversed order?
This is possible by setting the ‘speed’ parameter of a ‘moviefileinTOP’ to -1. Perhaps you can link it to the input of the speedCHOP in the example.
There might be a slight problem with certain codecs (how the movie is stored) where it doesn’t allow it to go backwards smoothly.

I’ve added a custom parameter on the component to control the play direction.
CrossFadeLoop2.tox (1.0 KB)


Hi Tim,

I’ll definitely check this out. Thanks again for the help!


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