Does anyone know if there is a way to get the current parameter object in a parameter python expression?
Something similar to ‘me’ that returns the current operator, but for the current parameter.
Does anyone know if there is a way to get the current parameter object in a parameter python expression?
Something similar to ‘me’ that returns the current operator, but for the current parameter.
Would the parameter CHOP or parameter execute DAT get you closer to what you’re after?
The Parameter CHOP can use pattern matching similar to the select CHOP… that’s a lot of cooking though.
There are also the old hardly known tscript variables:
$PN // parameter name
$PL // parameter label
$PX // parameter index
That can be accessed with the python methods: var(‘PN’), var(‘PL’), var(‘PX’)
You may need to wrap it inside something like:
me.pars(var(‘PN’))[0] #take the first parameter from the list matching variable PN
If that helps?
Rob, that’s exactly what I was looking for, thanks!