Isolation color

Hey! Does anyone could suggest me some technique to isolate a specific color?
I would like to get a monochrome image leaving only one specific color.
Thank you in advance!


Not sure to understand exactly what you are up to but you may try the RGBKey TOP to create an alpha mask out of a chosen color. In the RGBKey TOP limit red, green and blue values to the color you need to grab and as output select Source * New Alpha so you output only the part of the source with the chosen color. Not tested but should get you close. The idea would be something similar using other operators but with more preciseness and fine tuning i guess…

Hi! I would like to obtain an effect like this Unity - Guidelines for color isolation effect - Stack Overflow

to achieve something like this, you’ll want to follow @Gallo 's suggestion above to isolate a single color, consider thresholding it or otherwise using reorder top to end up with an image that has 100% white 100% alpha on the part you are isolating, and 0% alpha for the rest of the image.

Composite that with multiply blendmode on the original image to get the color, and composite that with an Over blendmode above a desaturated image to have single color over B/W

Hi! could you be more clear, please? Sorry, I’m new in touchdesigner. I’ve just tried something like in photo but i can’t get nothing near to my first example. Thank you!


here is a quick example tracking the green beans.

color_pick.tox (734 Bytes)

Thank you, it works fine. Now i try to improve the patch.