ok when I first installed the old version of Touch 14* it ran a very complex show, except that it seemed that the shared memory deformations weren’t making it from one process to another (impossible to debug, but the same exact show is running fine on XP, one computer over, and it’s been running for a year, so it’s not a bug of the logic).
I tried the program compatibility tool, which tried to make a fix to adapt to windows xp service pack 2.
At that point Touch (by itself, not running the show) started loading in ram but not appearing as a running application nor opening window - I get a message whetehr or not I want to allow it to make changes to the computer, I say yes, but that’s it.
I’ve tried uninstalling it and reinstalling it, then I’ve tried the latest Touch as well, no luck. Same exact behavior, I see in the process list at about 29MB, but it doesn’t use CPU - just sits there.
I figure that the program compatibility tool has made changes which, because the latest is the same path, are also applied to the latest version - and they’re obviously the wrong changes, but I don’t know how to undo them. Anyone?
Then of course I’ll be back where I started when I go back t the older touch, thinking that the shared memory deforms are not working in Win7