It doesn't apply to the full screen

The animation effect doesn’t work on the full screen, so why is that? It still works on the small screen.

test2.toe (8.3 KB)

Hi @kijhome,

please try to be a bit more precise in what you are asking for.
I believe you are trying to have the Window COMP span across your monitor?

A question could be something like:

When clicking the “Open as Separate Window” parameter on the Window COMP, the window does not open as full screen. Why is that?

This will give people information on how to repeat your issue and come up with a solution. You need to describe:

  • what you are doing (detailed steps to replicate the issue)
  • the symptoms of your problem (what you see)
  • what you are expecting to happen (what you want)

It becomes otherwise a very time consuming effort to try to understand the question.

So assuming this is what you asked for: The Window COMP has parameters to setup the Opening Size. In your file this is set to “Automatic from Panel COMP/TOP”. The referenced operator is “opview1” with a resolution of 1280x720 so the window that is being opened will be 1280x720.
To open it full screen, either change the resolution of the OP Viewer TOP and/or change the Window COMP setting to “Fill”. Additionally you might want to avoid having the borders on your window: these can be removed by toggling off the Borders parameter of the Window COMP.

A quick introduction to the Window COMP can also be found here in our Curriculum:


Yes, my question is that in the opview, the text moves from side to side.
On full screen. Text animation is frozen.
In other words, in window placement, animation moves in designer mode. In perform mode, animation is stopped.
I did what you suggest, but it still stops moving on the full screen.

Hi @kijhome,

the issue is in the Text COMP parameter where you are moving the text. Currently this is set to passive(op('to_ticker'))[0] with the passive part of the expression preventing this to evaluate unless directly looking at it.

Change this to simply op('to_ticker')[0] and things start working as you would expect.
Quick question where the idea to use passive() came from?
