It is a problem that the chop data of the previous container works together when the touch designer operates by container step.

It is a problem that the chop data of the previous container works together when the touch designer operates by container step.
Currently, we are working on a project to make a picture board by combining QR photo booth images and media pipes.
By the way, the chop data that works in step1 also works in step3.
Is there a way to automatically disable the container for this?

import time
import requests
import json
from os.path import exists

class PhotoBooth:
	PhotoBooth description
	def __init__(self, ownerComp):
		self.ownerComp = ownerComp
	def Step01(self):
		op('select1').par.selectpanel = "Step_01_Start"

	def Step1(self):
		op('select1').par.selectpanel = "Step_1_Start"

	def Step2(self):
		op('select1').par.selectpanel = "Step_2_Take_Photo"

	def Step3(self):
		op('select1').par.selectpanel = "Step_3_Approve"

	def Step4(self):
		op('select1').par.selectpanel = "Step_4_Saving"

		filename = str(round(time.time() * 1000))
		op('SavePhoto').par.file = "qr-code-image-app/qr-code-image-app/public/images/" + filename + ".jpg"

		me.parent().store("filename", filename)

It’s hard to understand the problem here. In what way do you want to disable the panel?
You can stop it from being clickable by setting Enable parameter off or Click Through parameter on.
You can stop it from cooking by setting op(‘select1’).allowCooking = False

If this doesn’t help, maybe post your network or clarify the question…