Json robot interface

my robot arm wants json commands. trying to develop an interface in touch that sends something like:

robot.play({“command”: “move”, “prm”: {“movement”: 0, “path”: “joint”, “j0”: 0, “j1”: 0, “j2”: 0, “j3”: 0, “j4”: 0}})

I need some help/pointers on forming this json string from my custom params.
I think I’m on the right path with TDJ.pageToJSONDict(op(‘robot_control’)), but (for starters) don’t know how to point to that custom page exactly and start building json strings. What is python path to the custom page? Where in refrence would i find such info ?

what combo of TDJSON and DATs, etc, would YOU use to output my needed json string ?

arm_interface.toe (3.9 KB)