Jump to OP

Hey guys.

I’d like to know whether there is a way to click “Jump to OP” by python.
If someone knows, please tell me.

I’m searching too…

Hi @vento303,

this requires a few python calls mainly utilizing the Pane and NetworkEditor Classes:

# get the operator in the parameter
targetOp = op('select1').par.top.eval()
if targetOp:
	# split of a new network editor window
	newWindow = ui.panes[0].floatingCopy()
	# make sure it's a network editor
	newWindow = newWindow.changeType(PaneType.NETWORKEDITOR)
	# give it a name (no spaces, special characters etc)
	newWindow.name = 'Reference'
	# point the path to the parent of the targetOp
	newWindow.owner = targetOp.parent()
	# home the window to the selected op

Hope this helps

yo! thanks a lot!