Just cook operator when display = true?

Hello everyone, i have quite a huge network with a lot of containers so i thought to keep it slim i just want to cook the operator when it is displayed. Has anyone an idea how to achieve that? I thought to use a execute but not sure how to attack that problem.
Thx in advance and enjoy chrismas

In my opinion, usually stopping / starting operators cooking isn’t a good solution.

This is a topic that has been discussed in several circumstances, try to search in the forum for “cooking” or “pull system” and the derivative documentation

To keep your network efficient you should perhaps use tools like the probe and the performance monitor.

I hope that helps!

I use often the cook fonction to stop some demanding part of my work. The main problem is with sound, you have to be sure to stop all sound inside base or container before to “uncook” it. Beside that it works perfectly.
Do do it there is a little python:
op(‘myBase’).allowCooking = False/True
And I use a table with preset to allow easy mastering of several cooking

yeah it feels like the framerate drops too much when i start/stop cooking a new operator :frowning:
but thank you for your reply.

does anyone know about a way to precook stuff on touchdesigner