KeyboardinDAT and WebrenderTOP

Hi there,

with the newest TD version most of the special characters are now displayed correctly in the “character” column (only 2 keys on the Swiss keyboard are not registered at all “}” and “<”).

What is the correct way of sending them to the webrenderTOP?
When I just do op('webrender1').sendKey(char), I get “td.tdError: Not a recognized keyboard character”.

Hi @django,

I wonder if all the keys work in the Palette>Tools>webBrowser component? The Keyboard DAT in there uses this script:

def onKey(dat, key, character, alt, lAlt, rAlt, ctrl, lCtrl, rCtrl, shift, lShift, rShift, state, time):
	if state:
		if key.isdigit():
			op('webrender1').sendKey(ord(key), alt=alt, ctrl=ctrl, shift=shift)
			op('webrender1').sendKey(key, alt=alt, ctrl=ctrl, shift=shift)


Hi Markus,

thank you for your reply :slight_smile:
Almost none of the special characters work with the webBrowser component.

Hi @django

okay - I’ll have a look at that. I thought we had figured this out.


Well the “character” parameter now shows most of the special characters correctly.
What seems to be missing is a way to send it to the webrenderTOP.

Thanks for looking into it.