Attempting to smooth out the super finnicky hand_open and hand_closed channels in the Kinect CHOP. I think if I have the channel “refresh” once a second rather than once a frame it won’t flicker as much… How would I change this interval? I’ve tried using de-spike in the Filter CHOP but it does not work.
IP_Thesis_3-16.toe (16.2 KB)
Hi there,
maybe you should try to use a Timer Chop, set it to 1 second, and get a Chop Execute to update the “noisy” value into a constant Chop for example?
something along this line (see file attached).
Change the length value in the Timer Chop to experiment with different intervals.
The Trigger Chop is optional, I added it in there to amplify a little bit the “done” signal coming from the Timer CHOP.
However, I am not fully convinced that “refreshing” your hand open/hand closed value every second is a robust solution, as you might end up stuck for one second with the wrong reading.
Anyway, let me know how you go and if the example attached is helpful.
every 1 sec.toe (4.65 KB)
Try a Lag CHOP to smooth out channel data.