Hello, Testing the new experimental version, I use the kinect point cloud image to instance circle. It works easely but I have some square pattern on the image. I obtain also this pattern if I use GLSL to move particles. Any idea why I obtain it and the way to avoid it?
Thank you in advance,
salonKinect.toe (11.2 KB)
This is an artifact of the Point Cloud being remapped into the space of the color camera. In the next 2019.10000 series we post there will be a new Depth Point Cloud mode that doesn’t have these artifacts
super, I wait for it, thank you,
Waiting for a real solution, I had to use it with the pattern but I was able to reducing it (or masking it), using scale in the instancing. Putting the b value in sx, sy, sz, the “grains“ of 3D modeling have the same size in all the space so you can adjust it to mask the gap. It worked in the performance we made last week.
Do you know when this version will be available ?