Kinect recording problem

I really need to solve this problem asap, and will be willing to pay for a thorough and reliable fix.

Our project is a quite simple “drawing” canvas.
The user should move his right hand, and recorded path of geo should follow.
When the hand is inactive the drawing should “freeze” (and the camera should spin around it). When a hand is active again - the canvas should be reset and the user should be able to draw again.

The problem is that that sometimes, when a hand is active again, the canvas won’t reset and the last recorded path freezes on the screen (although the Kinect record works perfectly). any movement of the user’s hand won’t affect, just keeps freezing the screen.

I think the problem is somewhere around the chopto1 (/line) cause it’s the one the freezes, but I’m a noob so I don’t really know.
I had the projects fully working, but something went wrong, and I don’t know how to reconstruct it.

I’m uploading:

  1. The discussed project
  2. The project without the Kinect - with a mouse instead (works perfectly). it may help understand how the data should be transferred.
    *3. all the data-related components are in the bottom-left of the project (data.jpg)

    6brushes-mapped_organized.toe (26.2 KB)
    6brushes-mapped-wKINECT.7.toe (27.9 KB)

I took a look at the “_organized.toe” as I do not have a Kinect on me. Comparing the two there are a few differences in the file, but I would re-trace your steps on the input into the CHOP to SOP. Specifically step through each step backward in the working file with the mouse and match it up in the Kinect file until you locate the different behavior. Some channel from the kinect is not going on-off-on in the same way as the working mouse input.

I also noticed some Composite TOPs that are erroring because they do not have enough inputs. Not causing your issue perhaps, but it might be a cause for concern because nodes in error will not cook and therefore sometimes not pass data through.

I was using official build 2018.27550, which build are you on?