Kinect switcher between two touchdesigner instances


Here is the situation:

I have one computer with 2 kinect V1.0 simultaneously. Those kinects are used in one instance of touchdesigner with 2017 version (I can’t modify this project).

Now, I just create a project with touchdesigner 2019, and I’m running a seccond intance of touchdesigner 2019 at the same time. The problem is that I want to use the same two kinect V1.0 on this intance, wich is impossible because they are alredy used on the 2017 TD intance. So… here are the alternatives:

  1. Buy 2 more kinects, so I will have 4 kinects atached to one computer (I already did the test and the computer recognizes the 4 kinects… amazing!!). The problem here, is that I will have 4 systems like this, so I need to buy 8 kinects V1.0 in total. I can’t find a proper seller to buy kinects V1.0. Do you know an alternative for KinectV1.0?.. Kinect V2.0 have the same issue of the seller, and I don’t know about if it is possible to conect 2 kinect v1 and 2 kinect v2 on the same computer. Real sense Chop is only available with RS300 and F200 (both are discontinued and hard to find).

  2. Is it possible to program something to change the recognition of the kinect in the instances? for example, i know that I can disable active button on kinect over 2019 instance, but how can I make a hard detect to recover the kinect when it is active on 2017 intance? (remember I cant modify 2017 program).

This is a mess, and my english is worst.

Hope you can help me.



Hi… I used 4 kinect v1 on one computer with 2 instances of touch.

Any reason you need to run 2017 version? There are literally 1000s of bug fixes since 2017.

I know, the last TouchDesigner supplier developed the game in 2017 version, and my game is in the actual version. That’s why I need to run 2 instances at the same time. However I solved it with the 4 Kinect V1 on the same computer.

what features do you want from the Kinect? Do you have the processing power to spout/oscOut/TDout nodes from your 2017 version in to your 2019 version?

Hola, lograste trabajar con todos los kinect al mismo tiempo?

Estoy trabajando en un proyecto y he tenido problemas para trabajar con 2 kinect simultáneamente en una computadora

Hola, hasta 4 kinect 1 en la misma compu

Hola ok, y sabes como hacerlo? esque tengo problemas en la cuestion de configuracion


Solo tienes que instalar el SDK runtime 1.8 de kinect 360. La liga la encuentras en el wiki de Touch designer. Y literalmente conectas los kinect. Yo he conectado hasta 4 simultáneamente. No uses extenders muy largos, usa por CAT para distancias mayores a 10 metros.