Kinect v2 should start when person is directly in front of it

Dear Community,

I am working my way through an interactive project where the audience can “move” through the animation - so the distance to the kinect will trigger which frame one sees.

Since this will be projected onto a wall, the kinect will be placed on the opposite wall. What I want is that as soon as the person enters the space and basically covers the kinect, the animation should be triggered. My initial idea was to use the data for hip z, create a map and smooth the data out before feeding it into the animation. But the kinect only detects the hip when one is already 1-2m away and the whole body can be seen by the kinect.

How can I solve this? Any help or idea is greatly appreciated!! :slight_smile:


You can just use the depth image:

  1. Crop a small square from the center of the depth image (or wherever the sweet spot is)
  2. Use the Analyze TOP, pick between average, minimum or maximum value depending on the behavior you want to achieve (if the Kinect is behind the person, you are mostly interested in the minimum distance between the sensor and the area of interest)
  3. Convert to CHOP data using Top to CHOP, remap the given depth range to usable values.
  4. Do any logic, thresholding, filtering, etc… in CHOP space.
  5. Use the resulting data to index the animation.