Kink in my particles

Hi Everyone! I have a simple line sop with 30 points going into a particle sop which is creating some continuous lines. I have a small amount of noise and turbulence. What I can’t seem to solve is this recurring kink ever so often. I have followed Digitalabstracts tutorial and I notice that even his tutorial has this same kink. I’m curious if anyone has a way to remove this? thank you!

Hi @saulstokes,

could you share your project exhibiting this issue for us to have a look?


of course, see attached and you can see the kink in this image. Thank you!

kink.toe (3.9 KB)

Hi @saulstokes,

thank you for the example - this seems to happen every time the timeline is looping.
I’m logging this as a bug for us to have a look at.
