Hi all

i’ve a really big problem for an installation (26th of march) i’ve developed an l-system gen. 10 with tubes.
on it i’ve attached a particles emitter. to create a flow of particles that follow the mesh…BUT…

don’t work not because nothing is emitted, but because the frames go down till 4fps

i create 1000 particles per 120 seconds… (i know is a very high value but all this particles are necessary for a good visualization of the tree)

the strange thing is that the cpu (i7 2600k) run with a 30% of load
and gpu (run in a very low load 10/20%)… where’s the problem?

i’ve thinked that is a bottleneck of td… is it possibile?

i don’t use glsl because i’m not able to create a glsl shader for particles…

please help…

Yes, the bottleneck is because the particle system is running on the CPU, and it’s only using 1 CPU currently (which it why you only see 30% CPU usage).

Are you saying you don’t know GLSL yet? It’s certainly possible to use GLSL for a particle system, although it is more work.

thanks malcom …

-_-so i need to change my concept completelly…

do you think in future to include a “wrapper” that convert sop particles in glsl particles?.. in this way the parameters could be the same but the user can spent all the power of the gpu.

…i haven’t found nothing in this direction search in the forum…other suggestions?

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