Hi all
i’ve a really big problem for an installation (26th of march) i’ve developed an l-system gen. 10 with tubes.
on it i’ve attached a particles emitter. to create a flow of particles that follow the mesh…BUT…
don’t work not because nothing is emitted, but because the frames go down till 4fps
i create 1000 particles per 120 seconds… (i know is a very high value but all this particles are necessary for a good visualization of the tree)
the strange thing is that the cpu (i7 2600k) run with a 30% of load
and gpu (run in a very low load 10/20%)… where’s the problem?
i’ve thinked that is a bottleneck of td… is it possibile?
i don’t use glsl because i’m not able to create a glsl shader for particles…
please help…